Deepwoken build

Is this a good build:
30 STR

nvm, im going for
65 STR
20 AGL

Dude, dont you have a deepwoken server already, why u asking here
Id reccomend to remove the intel and place it in willpower

cant ask in there rn im at school
i have to finish my work, cya

this build is so weird dude

whats the 65 str for? at most you should only need 50 for starkindred and if you don’t want that oath you only need 40 for showstopper. 65 is way too high

38 fort is so close to the 40 fort requirement for exoskeleton you stopped two points away

20 agl is 5 points off. Word of advice for agility, if you are going to invest in it always put in 25 cus that’s when all the good agility talents come in: blade dancer, endurance runner, risky moves, spine cutter, etc

45 int is stupidly high. No one really invests in int because most of the talents are hit or miss, but if you are going to invest, stop at 40 for overflowing dam. But yeah you really don’t need int if you want more ether and tempo just put traits into erudition.

20 will is good. the willpower cheatsheet is 0 will if no black diver, 20 will if black diver, 40 will for azure flames, and any other number is usually some niche build like all the dead gods, insanity, brick wall, etc

25 charisma is also good.

the biggest problem is the stats don’t add up. Im assuming this is a hero blade build because you’re left with 114 points. so where are the rest of the 14 points going? When making a build, go to and put 100 wep 80 elm or just 100 elm in a hero blade build and work backwards from there. Use the deepwoken wiki to see the requirements for talent cards so you don’t overinvest like you did for str and int, or underinvest like you did with agi and fort

Here are two builds i salvaged from your stats. One with hero blade and one without
Hero blade:
7 points leftover (put them in fort for the drippy flame shield lol)

No hero blade:
You have a couple of options here. -15 stats means you have to take them out somewhere. you can take it out of fort to be left with 25 (enough for endurance runner). You could take it out from willpower and just use some other armor that isn’t black diver, like prophet’s cloak or something. Or you can take 20 out from str and still have access to ash slam, then put 5 points somewhere else (put them in fort for the drippy flame shield lol)

wowowowowowow thanks ill use this one instead

Kinda mid tbh the second one better

i am physically incapable of making hero blade builds

cause you spec’ed into int smh (it’s so mid rn)

yeah int sucks but key wants high int on his build so i just put 40 for overflowing dam since thats like the only good int talent