Deepwoken builds

What’s the best/gayest deepwoken build u have ever made. For deepwoken players obviously

Honestly im only just getting back into deepwoken so idk but ill see what other people have got it might help me

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  • Attunementless Heavy
  • Attunementless Medium
  • Attunementless Light

Honorary Mention:

  • Attunementless Fist

Of course, they are attunementless

Kill yourself

Anyways probably a heavy flamecharm build or my lightning deffered

attunementless fist with a big herbalist hat to hide m1s

I’ve wiped exactly 157 times, and have never made it to Power 60, so don’t ask me

I am an expert on Deepwoken (having never played the game), and I say whatever is the flashiest is the best

thank you for listening to my Ted Talk

That is indeed, quite the truest deepwoken statement from all time

My grim shattered shadow build (shadow meteors do 80 damage each)

(Unfinished) 90+ m1 damage build (crazy slots medium)

Alt f4 + Grass

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