Delete the forums

In my opinion, Off Topic is a necessary category to be on the forums. When you think about it, this particular topic is just an example as to why it’s needed. Where would this topic go if Off Topic didn’t exist? Anything forum related, news worthy, or anything random that someone wants to share wouldn’t be possible without Off Topic as all the other categories have their own uses. Is it dry and cringe at times? I wouldn’t agree more, but while AO is in a time of development people who use the forum regularly or even people who use the forum only like myself want a place where they can share whatever they want if it doesn’t fit the restrictions of other categories.

That’s all I have to say, here’s a cookie :cookie:



let me provide an example because you mfs are failing to understand
lets say there are 4 buildings, 3 of which have uses, the other one has no use
would you want to keep the useless building, knowing that it’ll slowly start to rust, or would you want to demolish it and replace it with something that actually has value



It’s technically counterproductive, you are putting way more moderation on forums for offtopicand all when the same things can be done in the general chat, with more people, and your same amount of friends, im saying the off topic serves no purpose and it just makes the mods put even more work on it, all of this when the main place to talk in (General chat) was lacking moderation (i doubt most mods do anything but its still something less to worry about).

why put more work on an obsolete thing such as Off topic section when you can just put that work or even less work in the same thing, with more attention, more people and even easier.

forums don’t rust. to make your example more accurate, assume that you don’t know whether or whether not some people want the 4th building to be destroyed, and that you lose nothing in keeping the building.

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this is the funniest fucking thread ever



Said I would go but

Here’s another analogy:


you lose nothing in keeping the building
but replacing the building could also be really beneficial
also, soon enough, forums do become horrible
I’d much rather destroy the building before it becomes an eyesore

wow damn, you sure did your important duties so quick that you had to come back and suck my dick real quick

it’s purpose is in its name. it’s for off-topic topics.
if you’re a moderator for forums, you probably should’ve known what that’d suggest. it’s not something that bothers me.

Destroying an abandoned building is better than waiting for it to get filled with rats, not to mention buildings aren’t free to maintain there is a cost in keeping that abandoned building, instead of just demolishing it and putting the work you put on it on the other buildings.

Step 1: Visit the forums
Step 2: See a post with more than 100 replies
Step 3: Start reading the replies
Step 4:
tenor (7)


I was fueled by the burning monstrous rage this post induced into my soul

bro if ur that mad about a dead forum for a roblox game that isnt out I think u should go outside

Ok touching grass rn

my ass, you havent touched grass in 30 years, you arent gonna start now either

I bet that this will get closed in the next 160 replies or something