Delete the forums

The main issue is literally just Off Topic

most off topic posts are just random unfunny shit with people that replies with poggers for no reason

im talking about vetex discord, not just any discord

do you think that channel would stay on topic and not get flooded instantly every time?

I donā€™t like to argue very often. Butā€¦

This is incredibly braindead. A deceased mosquito can understand that if you donā€™t like it, JUST LEAVE.

Sweet merciful crap. I canā€™t even take the incredibly low IQ in this thread. Imma go do things worth my time.

And if youā€™re calling us snowflakes, just reflect upon that youā€™re rabidly malding about the closure of a forum that, if youā€™re not interested in, should have nothing to do with you.


i agree, go do things worth your time, such as

and? so what? just donā€™t read it, jesus.

Far better than the flaming trash compactor this topic is.

Imma leave this topic, cya clowns

Not to sound rude at all to the forumers but Yeah the discord is factually more important than the forums (not the people, but the functions) at this current time, announcements go in there and thereā€™s way more activity in there (always has been but now itā€™s more noticeable), not to mention you can still just talk to your friends from here, the off topic channel is just not good anymore, hence why i suggested it being closed until ao releases.

what kind of insult is that ;-;

I dunno

Depends on whether your topic is something serious and
important or ā€˜ā€˜everyone is gayā€™ā€™

not saying only serious and important topics are accepted there, but itā€™s likely that ironic and joke topics will just be split to a lot of different things.

a game that hasnt received a major update in several months doesnā€™t require a forum page
this isnā€™t the area to get along with your peers, there are much better alternatives for that
arguing that there is value to the forums besides just posting art for a game you like is dumb as fuck

does someone have a picture of the map of magius

Iā€™m not directing any negativity towards the creator of the post, but im just sending an example of how dry of topics the offtopic section is

i donā€™t really understand why this topic is happening.
thereā€™s no more activity because thereā€™s no new content.
if people want to post off-topic shit here, i donā€™t see why not. itā€™s not in my hands.
my personal judgements on their quality doesnā€™t matter. getting pressed about things like that is called being a baby. itā€™s not against ToS, and itā€™s not harming you so why the fuck does it even matter

just donā€™t participate in it if it doesnā€™t tickle your fancy. not that hard.


thanks pog

Thatā€™s technically how it was planned to be until wom turned out to be a failure


Every argument here is invalidated by the word ā€œleaveā€

You people can leave if youā€™d like, whoever enjoys this place can stay. Itā€™s just that simple. Actually elementary. Are your brains deep fried?

Even in the case this forum got 0 visitors for a while, thereā€™s still no point closing it.

Iā€™m going now, stop arguing or skill issue

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shut up you said you were gonna go do something like 20 minutes ago
make up your mind dipshit

stop replying holy shit