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they just want the infamy

and you’re supposed to get infamy without rk?
thats a funny joke
you should be a comedian

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No, i’m talking about how they random killed me twice in a row when they would’ve gained nothing

they seem pretty chill in general but now with the infamy system, they kind of HAVE to RK so i dont really hold it against big guilds farming in this way

in AA you could at least gain infamy by holding territories passively so there was less of a demand for ganking but that won’t come for a long time so it is what it is

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i can understand grinding to the top, go for it
but when they keep hunting you down for no reward now that’s kinda weird

I wish Vetex added a way to gain infamy via quests and other methods first instead of something like PvP.

what is the point of infamy?
all it seems to measure is how annoying your guild is

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He probably forgot your username or smth which is why you were killed twice

people cant complain about a guild being full of rkers when literally the only way to get infamy is from rking

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Isn’t that most guilds?

My guild rk’s for infamy, and i’m not ashamed the least bit.