
Hi grimmy

:smiley: mm


pog :poggerfish:

Lol what ??

Do you like think before you type?


What’s wrong with what i said?

You sent 2 messages asking the same thing within the span of 3 seconds between each message so I think his question is answered

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“If you have the patience to PvP you have patience to fish” to be completely honest now that I’m quoting it . I see it’s even more idiotic then I thought it sounded, how do you reach this level of stupidity?

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It’s a glitch u potato

It’s not a glitch dumbass

I didn’t mean literally the same thing, I meant essentially the same thing

Oh thought u meant him spamming what. You are still very much so a potato.

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I see have u ever tried banging it on the desk again to see if you regain some brain cells?

Ok now your sounding serious so I’m just gonna go

*you’re the grammar police are watching gotta correct correct myself

I sense skill issue

You’re right. A mental skill issue.

This is just flamebait at this point lmao.


2.1. Pity Plays

The pity play seeks to make the target act “out of pity”.
A beggar who is doing his best to look hungry and desperate is using pity plays.

Pity plays are more effective when they are combined with guilt-tripping, as the guilt-tripping pity play says:

“I’m a victim because of you , that’s why you should feel guilty, and that’s why you need to make it up to me”.

Pity plays are effective as manipulations of last resort.
When you have absolutely no more leverage, you can go for a pity play.

Pity plays, as most other manipulations, can be used for potentially good causes.
But you need to watch out, as they can also be instrumentalized to frame an opponent as barbaric:

I’m not saying you are doing a pity play but what I’m saying is that if you are that’s fucked up, especially on the topic you were mentioning.

Also it is very clear that you love to start drama for the sake of attention through what I see in your posts.
This one specifically.
Also you continued to argue with people and ignored every respectful disagreement and never even tried to change/explain why you didn’t change your stance.

And here’s some extra examples of you starting arguments for NO reason.

First of all, you could have asked why that trade wasn’t worth it OR pointed out that trade wasn’t worth it. Instead you took the extra mile to start an argument.

Here we see you continue the argument and call the community dirt. Essentially proving my point of you starting drama for no reason.

An opinion doesn’t have to include “Sland shamnder who cares. This community is dirt.” That’s a verbal attack, not an opinion. Calling an entire group of people garbage IS causing drama. Also disturbing people is considered a nuisance and that’s why it is a social taboo and can be a crime if done in a high enough scale.

Also getting your head bashed on a desk hard enough to cause a permanent scar required VERY VERY specific circumstances to actually cause brain damage. Either you are overreacting over the effect, lying, or possibly telling the truth which is a pretty low chance.

Either way I will end it with this. Continue being an annoying troll without any intention of stopping and you will most likely end up banned by the end of the year. Continue doing it everywhere else and you will be forgotten. If you want to talk and debate be respectful and ask for opinions.