I’ll be answering your questions about this dumb bitch
big tiddies
big tiddies
Nice boobies me liek
I wanted to answer wholesome questions but I just summoned the horny
Is she fertile? Asking for a friend…
This is only the beginning
What size is her bust? Where can I find her?
Here’s two totally wholesome questions:
Is that sword sheathed? If it isn’t then what’s the cool emerald tip thing
Why is it “south” wind
That’s a staff bro
no “bro” it’s called south wind’s sword “bro”
It is sheathed
The emerald tip is arcanium and she can hold the sword/cane like a gun and shoot wind blasts from the tip, she also uses the tip to do wind AOE attacks like I drew her doing
and it is south wind because its ironic to her last name which means north wind, the 2 places she spent her life in, Born in the north, but now operates in the south where theres more criminal activity
You made a mistake the second you drew dem boobies
Not sure if I have any questions at the moment. Nice art.
I’m already in horny jail so this has no effect on me