Der0n this is about you

Everyone knows you like to spam react emojis. Well, would you even bother to read some of the comments you react to? Sometimes the emoji you use to react to a comment isn’t even a proper reaction to what they were saying. This is an example:

Like, how is the crying face even the proper emoji to use to react to that? If you would like to send reactions everyone’s way, please use the emojis that fit the context of the comment. Thanks! @DeronChepem

Think he exists under the philosophy of “buttons are made to be pressed.”


Deron stop being sad

I am convinced he’s either an AI or a child

hes an 8th grader :sob:

9th* :sob:

Deron is a big baby!

Keep crying baby

he does not give an f, his reactions aren’t real he just spams, and this and many others are proof of that

what was this comment replying to?

flare mid forumer list

I fucking knew you were 14

sounds about right

Did u? Or was i lying :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ?

You know a part of me feels like you guys got played. Deron wouldn’t be such a zeitgeist if you just ignored them

He/him :pray: :sob:

If you were any older I’d be very worried considering your immaturity

If you are 14 or younger I can let it slide cuz you’re only a baby

please tell me this is satire :sob: :pray:

Please tell me you guys don’t actually think I’m telling the truth :sob: :pray: