Derp tries to draw stuff (he cant)

I found a funni site that has a pen tool to draw lines for me so I made a magma broadsword

Honestly I sucked ass at this. The aura sucks. But I made a varient for my friend.

I find this one to be wayyyyy better in terms of aura and creativity. And that’s my single burst of art for now.
I am taking requests but only one rule
I only take weapons because all I can draw rn

Wait list: Closed I’m making something go away


femtex sword (joke) (dont kill me)


Plot Twist: In a couple months, Derp has the ability to draw really cool weapons

i cant even draw an axe blade rn :joy:

Ice lance next. Suggested by @Cryonical

Ice lance.

holy shit that sounds better im actually going to do that since I wanted to do lance. Uhh want updates?

Yeah, sure

We love ice lances! We love ice lances!

in your dms

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draw funny ds3 greatsword

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swords are not being accepted rn i did too many man

m u s h r o o m

not another one

Yes. Another one.

Ok lets see you draw then

Don’t tempt him, man :cold_sweat:

you dont deserve to see my magnificent drawings, i only draw once every three years since they’re just that fantastic. heres the latest PUBLIC drawing i have made, smh my head

looks like actual shit

you’re 12!!