Describe all of your AO files in as much detail as you like

The absolute chad Dot Auburn, the poison main (haha guys DoT get it?) that I will change to ash, i don’t care if poison/fire is going to be meta i just want to have the funnier clouds

Although his name is Dot (please suggest a better name LOL I have been scratching my head over the past week finding the perfect name to replace Dot that still goes well with Auburn), this guy doesn’t even deal DoT with ash (i mean clouds are kind of DoT but not too DoT) and this man loves to beat up every single criminal in sight for the sole purpose of making criminals scared (except wind users probably)

He will be trained to explode with explosion magic in the near future since all he likes to do is run in and demolish everything with brute force, while also being able to stand from afar and control the area with clouds of ash.

I do have alt files but I no longer even touch them because I hate having to grind for 2 sets of meta equipment

First: Hi Im just some random wizard that likes to fight with both weapons and magic

Second: Im rip off Juniper from the webtoon

Third: I have no face and can make nukes go off

Ice: Ice dude who looks like he’s seen it all and is now forever bored
Explosion: Disgruntal grampa who also conveniently looks like old Joseph
Wind: Bored retired sailor who also has a big ass sword for no reason.

First: Isn’t actually my main file, it’s actually my Vistarian magma tyrant file, has medium-dark red hair, freckles and is quite insane personality wise. Massacres the magic council as a hobby.
Second: My Alalean main file (yes I know weird but I like having my main file in the middle), purple lightning magic, only wears purple, black hair, stoic/quiet personality and is good rep. Massacres bad guys as a hobby.
I don’t have a third but I’m thinking about making a wind/water/ file I dunno (just something sorta cold-based)

Jack Salore - A snow magic user. A pretty chill and calm person. His hobbies are fishing, watching people from high places and exploring. Dislikes hot places.

Ami’s design in the middle reminds me of rimuru for some reason.

Andrew Ketch
Old scollar who is trying to bring science and history to the people of the war seas, while learning more about his magic.

The oldest save file that I still have is in the second slot with water magic. Funny puddles but not much to add.

I made a lightning save file in the second open test because I figured the damage dealer should be my first magic to potentially have better stats than the others. Spoiler, it seems to be a bad idea (clearing effects is more useful imo). That save file was in my first slot and it’s still the one I played on the most with around 250 h. I did like it a lot, but lightning was so overused that I wanted to be original and pick something else.

Remember when people kept losing their data, mostly due to leaving during a loading? How it seemed to affect the save file in the first position specifically. Well, I forgot at some point that leaving mid loading was a problem. The next time I joined, the position of my lightning file and water file changed. I didn’t lose anything so… I guess that was a good thing? At least, my main wasn’t in my first slot anymore.

I made my current main wind file in september (I made multiple save files before that but they barely lasted a day at best). Wind, even if I didn’t like it that much when I tried it months before, was pretty fun. I did see wind’s potential when farming bosses, since they were barely able to move when I was spamming barrages on them. I’m planning to keep using this file in AO.

Then there’s the random tangler file using wood magic. I made it before the halloween event, abandoned it in a few hours then came back to it to get another headless. I did like trying to cosplay as a tangler, however, I honestly didn’t like wood much. I’m not really planning to go back to it, like, ever, but I somehow didn’t delete it yet so…


  1. Funny water puddles
  2. Most used lightning file
  3. Funny wind knockback and main
  4. Tangler
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I only have 2 files

Joey Calding: We don’t speak of him, he’s my main account which I might come back to in AO. About 300 hours and magma. 2.1k PKs

Rose Water: My current main. About 210 hours and wind. 2.3k PKs (Account I use for Roselight)

Unborn child

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