Describe the person above you from memory

I forgot who you are


you’re one of the most seen persons in the riddle post

other than that idk probably or i forgot

well im now leader of the riddle people

I don’t really know you that well but I’ve seen you quite a few times around the forums. very nice personality, cool to talk to every once in a while

leader? cool, must feel nice

thanks for the comment on myself

i don’t remember you from much thing else other than that apart from being the forumer with a hu tao profile picture

this is like the only time i’ve called myself that, maco gave me that title
yes hu tao pfp because i’m grinding around 8 intertwined fates per day for her and grinding more for ayaka when she rolls around and even more for albedo if he ever returns

i couldn’t even try out my profile picture character cause busy, waiting if she ever gets rerun, but i managed to get albedo before, he’s very cool to play with

ganyu will probably be back in the winter, I think venti is getting a return in 1.4


but for now that’s it


mario kart fan :mariomug:

you’re something random

also i don’t like mario kart

heck i don’t even have nor like nintendo

Guy that likes cars


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general but ok

person who asked people to introduce themselves

where does that come from


it looks amazing

I’m sorry ok this is the only thing that stood out for me :frcryin:

Don’t say sorry for something I’m not offended by.

Well I mean you did my call statement “general” which I mean it is. It’s just that’s probably the only thing I remember you by which is why I said sorry.

I’m kind of annoyed by the fact you think ‘‘general’’ is a way to show I’m offended here. No problem I said. Don’t apologize for that.

vroom car racing friend yes