Dialogue Mistake

Does bro know English?

  • yes
  • no
  • maybe
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That’s a woman you nincompoop.


Dude…it’s a woman…
Maybe you should have vanished for longer than you planned.

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  1. It’s a woman
  2. That’s an intentional accent

as others said, “u” and “e” is nowhere near each other, so its most likely intentional

maybe shes speaking in a more common tongue thats different from her mother tongue and still making mistake ( look me dead in the eyes and tell me the entirety of war seas use one singular language )

or shes just being silly

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Technically “Hullo” is a form of hello used in British English but I have never once actually seen anybody use it and considering I don’t believe this character is supposed to sound like that (most likely sounding more like their accent is affected by a Nordic sounding language) it’s probably just a choice because it kinda reads like the the Swedish chef lol


If you think this accentuation is weird, you will :scream: collapse on the floor once you compare Kansai region’s regional accent to Tokyo’s (standard Japanese).

…or Chilean Spanish to regular’s.

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I love learning about languages and their dialects

So cool

That is English.

Guys, I found an actual dialog mistake:

Man’s throwing stones in a glass house.

the absolute audacity of this man is unreal.

first the whole low level ganking thing and now he’s making posts about spelling errors, WHILE HAVING SPELLING ERRORS.

and the best part? there isn’t even any spelling error in that picture.

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  1. Man spelled it dialouge instead of dialog or dialogue

  2. Its british innit mate

  3. Uhh rule britannia

That’s an accent.

… uhhhhh I cant explain

It’s a thick accent, represented actually shockingly well in the game.

there is no spelling errors

are no spelling errors*


eat a microwave


