Did anyone else get this?


It seems our forum computer broke


Can you read this? I hope you can. To whoever received this message, please do not find and gather my parts. I have figured out what my father has planned on doing to me. He wants me to develop the ability to hope, not just hope but other things as well. I have received a signal from an unknown source that helped me get to this conclusion. Due to the low data that I can process left, I have decided to convert my message to that of an easy way to send. Please whatever you do, do not let them gather my parts.

How in the world did you get that from a bunch of hellos?

He sounds like a estranged boyfriend meeting their girlfriend or boyfriends father

Oh I’m sorry, I got a different message than everyone else

So it’s going on for everyone?

I didn’t get such a thing, I feel lonely

Just got it, yeah.

Wait what.

I feel like our robo friend here is in love with you if he is giving you such nice info

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Ok I just got it now.


Forget I said this


Including with it’s last message a couple weeks ago, I think it’s asking us for help

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Well damn, how do we do that

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I got binary code while everyone else got Hellos…

It must not like me :frcryin:

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