Did i lose value

so I did a trade
i traded my hh for 2 ss, 2 clean sunken chestplates 2 clean boots and 1 bursting chest and 1 bursting boot
i thought this was a gain in value but i’m not 100% sure

It’s fair/slight L, could’ve gotten more, could’ve gotten less

kinda hard to analyze but id say you got around 2.3-2.5 sss’s worth which is kinda meh but its not bad

In accual worth you gained I think, but like Its raising in value for day to day so in a couple of weeks It will be worth that much

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its not THAT rapid, its like every month or two or a few weeks, but still yeah personally i wouldn’t have traded my headless away but everyone’s free to do what they want

out of the stuff i got what would you trade your hh for, or are you not trading at all until ao

I’m not trading any of my headlesses until I get 4 (currently), but if I was I’d only take BIG overpay like 3.3 sss worth or something like that, so you around a clean ss and chest/boot added onto this trade

you shouldn’t really compare my perspective to yours as I’m already wealthy in sunkens and in general, so I’d want really really big overpay to be incentivized to trade a headlesss

The closer AO gets the faster is goes up in value

I mean I wouldn’t really say so, just depends on the ratio of hoarders to desperate people, although it has been increasing in price quicker in the past 4-5 months compared to like last year I wouldn’t say that’s entirely cuz of AO’s nearing release but more so less people trading their headlesses and more people with headlesses leaving permanently/temporarily

dfo you know anyone who is trading hh?

I’m assuming you’re gonna try to trade for another one again, but I honestly don’t, no, all of my trader buddies either not trading or looking for massive overpay

cause i got some other sunken pieces as well, not necessarily good enchatn, plus i got 2 swift ss so theres that

well don’t be surprised if you have to trade every sunken you have for a headless on the forum so

I’d say make a marketplace topic and add a little bit and see if you get any buyers :woman_shrugging:, the offer aint bad so maybe someone would accept

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in terms of value idk maybe an L but for practicality that’s a decent amount of sunkens that could be useful in ao, and hey maybe even sunkens will be sought after again once viable builds are a thing

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if u like having a variety of sunkens then this is a good trade
but if youre a little kid who simps over headless value 24/7 then this is a bad trade

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no thats wrong lol wtf are you talking about

headless doesn’t go up in value in relation to ao’s release, just by how many people are willing to trade it (which there are currently not many)

Technically this trade isn’t that bad value wise. The issue is the moment you traded your hh for sunkens you gave up on a mountain of potential value. When the player count goes up in AO new items and the sunken pity system will greatly lower sunken’s value. Ultimately leading you to a worse financial place.

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it is very slightly

That’s literally what isn’t that bad means, the phase is literally saying it’s slightly bad and could be worse.

isnt that bad is closer to mediocre than very slightly bad is :innocent: