Did i lose value

most people with shitass rng will quit before 3000, also all of the 3 people who fish to 3000 while having shitass rng getting a sunken wont impact the economy

Your wrong about them quiting the 3k sunken pity system gives them a goal which makes them more likely to get to 3k with bad rng.

and get a single sunken for that much work
it will not impact the economy nearly as much as you’re acting like it will

its very very common for people to get up with 3 sunkens before 2k

That just doesn’t make the sense with the highest odds using the best rod it’s 1/1666 which means on average most people wouldn’t be getting multiple before 2k across the entire player base.

not reading that novel

what the fuck do you want us to say? that’s just a very common thing that happens, if you wanna argue about it take it up with rn-jesus ig

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You say that but your basing it off nothing, your just like “it’s very common end of story” without any proof. 30 people out of the entire sunken owning population is a drop in the bucket so it’s not common.

dude I the only thing I do IS TRADE. ALL I DO IS LOOK AT INVENTORIES. I’ve seen this so many fucking times. It’s crazy common

The reason you do is because you don’t notice anyone who doesn’t get sunken when you look at their inv.

what the fuck is that sentence

the reason I trade is because I don’t notice anybody who doesn’t get sunken?
the reason I look at inventories is because I don’t notice anybody who doesn’t get sunken?

The reason you think you see it so much. You actually don’t you just don’t notice those that don’t get sunken.

I ask them if they’ve got it or not, stfu.

and I do see it alot lmfao what are you going on about

bro yall nerds I got 5 sunkens under 1/2k
get on my level of rng

What you don’t understand is your not accounting for all the people who don’t get it quickly, since they wouldn’t stand out to you while trading.

I am wtf are you talking about

They’re far less common then the people who don’t get them under 1/2k
just because you’re fucking unlucky doesn’t mean your situation is what happens to everyone. What I see as a trader shows me that people who get multiple under 1/2k are far more common

This has nothing to do with my personal experience. My issue is that statically this isn’t adding up. For some reason if you guys are right rng is fucked in this game.

this is like being told to give a source for 1+1=2

I know for a FACT that I’m right. It’s rng, the statistic isn’t going to be solid.

bro just add up by 666.666667 or something 3x and you get 2000 chance easy it’s not that hard