Did Noble give up?

They did didn’t they my stupid fucking guild overtook them and they just stopped at 321. I majorly blame Noble himself for making the guild so fucking late

to be fair the guild update was released at a late time

How’s that related to noble. It’s not like Suncry got the update first.

everyone in the guild and in the discord server are basically on hibernation mode until tgr since guild update doesn’t bring anything new to grind other than just doing the same thing over and over again: RKing

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bruh but isn’t their biggest competitor suncry

im pretty sure yea but they got a huge lead since we’re not grinding infamy

Even my guild doesn’t grind. They just kill if they find. So if they just normally played the game

the majority of them might still not come back until tgr, even if halloween update released that has to make people go around and collect chests until they get the halloween items. i’m pretty sure a few will come back for that update though

they fell like communism
they aren’t as big as they were in the 90’s

Why force people to play a subjectively boring game though just for lego game points, most are waiting for tgr or arent in the guild in game anyways.



“Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
― William Shakespeare


inferno is sobbing


I like to sit down and think about this dog everyday, wondering how I can achieve such fluidity and happiness. Everyday I am faced with the fact that I will never be happy as this dog, and therefore I fall into a great depression.

also dis dog funny xd!

he rocking it, parkin da squid

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wtf WHAT

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Noble rn

ayo da squid parkin

da squid parkin