Didn't Expect To See Something Like This In Palo Town

Ok so I got sent a pic by my friend regarding something about Palo Town which is this:

Confused as fuck and thinking it’s probably fake, the person in the pic showed the location on where it was, which is here:

To my surprise, it’s actually real :fr:
Well played Cryo


LOL WHAT :sob:

cryonical tomfoolery fr


Had the same reaction when I found out it wasn’t fake :sob:

I’m gonna make this one of my Brig images.

Damn thats a cool feature

A fine addition to my Iceberg.

Screw the other secrets. :fr: is the TRUE secret.

no wonder I couldn’t find him, he’s between a house!

bro witnessed mimhere island

but where is the real secret

No way, the final boss of AO has spy :fr: 's

For context I didn’t add the Fr emoji. It was deleted a first time in the building process, behind one of the houses to the north of the execution area in a nook with some chests, and when people found it on release I got panicked because Akontio had apparently added it a second time sneakily. Little did I know that not only was this allowed apparently (I was not communicated this), but vetex directly told me that it was in the original palo town as well, and that all was good. I am endlessly confused by this situation still. Maybe it was some sort of extreme typo or misunderstanding, because I almost refuse to believe it was in the original. If so, that’s incredible.

excuse me WHAT

man… this has… MASSIVE implications about structures tbh

what other weird secrets like that are there then? better get destroying.

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Wait what???

Yea, there are some fun secrets around the map.

touch it to get the fr curse

Touch to unlock early access to fr tycoon.

do you happen to know where in og palo it was?

No idea.