Die la creatura


(btw that was my first kill. it haves 2K hp, is pretty colorfull and haves a sound, u can also outswim it)

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quitting AO before I even hear it.

ngl, idk if i felt fear, confusion or a mix of both, reminds me of isle when they changed the AI of the monster, it was funnies and scariest shit i saw

when will it be this large :sob:

Like big ASF
I expected it to be bigger than white eyes
That would’ve been scary

This is what I was thinking it would do in sequence:

  1. Only its light will appear and throw sea urchins at you
  2. If you hit the light or get it to 600 HP it’ll glow Neon and follow you
  3. Kill it quickly as possible or you’ll die

prob there are different kind, like small, medium, large, u get it

You need ten of the scales to get the full T5 potion…

Ngl I wish the lure disguised as like sharks/jellyfish or even the lure went invisible because he can’t ambush at all especially with the giant health bar

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