Dirt feature serves NO PURPOSE

“guys i think dirt and tanning are super cool features that add a lot of immersion and uhhh something”
-average navy dog

Our lord and savior vetex games has been posessed by the navy dogs, leading to this disaster of an addition, for their “ImMeRsIon”
did you know that if you kill 3 navy dogs each day, we can exterminate the majority of them within 1 month
Join the movement today.
(this was a joke if you couldnt tell, except exterminating navy dogs you should partake in that)

Actual opinion:
tanning just sucks, simple as that. no amount of changes would fix it for me.
dirt could be somewhat fixed, however it needs a good few changes for me
-make the dirt texture on the face not cut off weirdly, this is my main issue honestly and i hate it.
-make dirt easier to get rid of, you shouldnt need a brig to easily get rid of dirt and bathing should instantly clear all of it
-make it build up far less quickly, this explains itself.
uhh idk what else to put here so



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I think the biggest reason to hate dirt is the way it doesn’t map to a head shape at all.
One of Roblox’s longest running bugs, the head mesh simply doesn’t mix with decals.

yeah, if only it didn’t cut off. then it would look decent :sob:

“No, I will make everything stay out of your control (including important gameplay elements).” -Something vetex wouldn’t say but definitely thinks

The arguably best part of tanning is that it isn’t a tan but a sunburn.

u just jump in the water

Idk why everyone hates the feature I like it a lot honestly

I’m a navy cat >:3

I actually like the way tanning looks on my character, since his skin tone became lighter when WoM’s skin tones got transferred to AO so the tanned version fits better.

Dirt is a useless inconvenience but I don’t really pay enough attention to notice it, when I do I just jump in the ocean 5 times


At least wash yourself in game, is it too much to ask forumer for?

i fw dirt and tanning

Dirt is annoying. Never noticed tanning, I lowk forgot this was a thing

what if vetex added another feature where your characters’ feet would get little green clouds throughout the game, and another feature where if you take off your shoes it would be swollen and even stin- I mean greener, wouldn’t that be epic?

vetex should add gangrene to ao :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Ngl I forget dirt even exists, it’s so easy to clear.

the bath in the brig:

they’re made to convince you to shower in irl

I am so close to flagging for mental trauma

Dirt and Tanning, inarguably, is the shittiest, dumbest, most pointless “immersion” feature that absolutely nobody wanted.

Man y’all are worrying too much about the looks of your digital Lego person

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shitty take