Dirt feature serves NO PURPOSE

me and @Reverielion are basically 80% covered in black from just a couple minutes of sparring
this feature literally adds nothing to the game but pain and sorrow that i have to see my characters get covered in shit and mud for 90% of the game


Dirt and tanning, two features literally no one asked for


Nah it shows the little dirt eaters you are

Tanning suckles, but I like to keep a little dirt under my pillow for the dirt man
in case he comes to town.

oh man don’t get me started on the tanning system as well


Mmmmm very poor choice of words there

Add a setting to allow you to disable any effects like this

or just rmeove it

i don’t think there is a single ao player in existence who is a real human being and also likes dirt and tanning

add soap item that you can use indefinitely. it plays the animation of the washbin and shows the particles when used and instantly clears off all dirt

(Arcane Odyssey players using soap? Preposterous!)

All it has done is make my avatar ugly and lead to more lag

Do I get to be an insect person then? Dirt rocks.
So easy to get rid of too.

respectfully i don’t think ur a real human being

Yeah but only mosquitos

agreed… there’s also no way that i know of to get the dirt off of you if you don’t have a brig :slightly_frowning_face: one of my files was covered in shit for like 3 hours because i did not have a brig…

I think it’s neat
(i’m apart of the grand Navy i’ve already given up my right of having a cool outfit)

ur in the gravy ur not a real human being

dirt accumulation on frostmill needs to be fixed, no reason for me to be dirty when its just snow

When you think really hard about it, there are 3 things an average AO player has to watch out for: hunger, cleanliness, and how appealing their poster is.

If you don’t see where I’m going with this joke, it’s best to avert your eyes or reconsider how cultured you are because that right there is clearly screaming, “Do you want dinner, a bath, or perhaps…”

i have found that repeated high jumping into the nearest ocean works

thank you…