Disneyland Shanghai: Pirates of the Caribbean Ride (Battle for the Sunken Treasure)

So yeah two weeks ago when I was at Shanghai (I promise to write about Shanghai, this is one of the links I’ll post in that blog) I went to Disneyland. One of the only two Disneyland in China (the other being in Hong Kong).

Anyways I recorded the entire ride of the Pirates of the Caribbean, Battle for the Sunken Treasure. The most Arcane Odyssey thing I could find.

Yes it’s in Chinese, but I will do the gruelling task of translating to the best of my memory. Please enjoy the totally well recorded ride. It’s a ride on still water, but the visual effects make it feel like it isn’t.
Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Now the arduous translation (I’ll split it into its respective parts as well):
Part 1:
Ride beings…
Skull on the top: Couldn’t hear too well, but something along the lines of: Hey! Are you looking for Captain Jack Sparrow! Get Braver
Jack Sparrow (Chinese, voice only): “Treasure, is everything, right? That’s why you came here, and that’s why you became a pirate! Like me… Jack Sparrow.”
Silence for a bit
Jack Sparrow (Chinese, voice only): “So? You still want those treasures of gold and silver? Then you’ve come to the right place!”

Part 2:
Jack Sparrow (Chinese, voice only): “Come with me! We’re going to snatch the greatest treasure of all! The Treasure of Davy Jones’ Locker!”
Jack Sparrow (Chinese, voice only): “Be careful, there’s a wild storm going on.”

Jack Sparrow’s skeleton, which looks like it’s on a digital screen gets struck with lightning, and then you can see a robot figure of Jack Sparrow standing there, something I still don’t understand how they do

Jack Sparrow (Chinese, In person): “Wow! I’m so remarkable!” (I think they intended for him to say I’m so lucky, but that’s not what he said)
Jack Sparrow (Chinese, In person) turns to the crowed: “Aha! You’ve came at the right time my crewmates! Captain Jack Sparrow, at your service! We’ll go steal Davy Jones’ treasure’s now! Oh right, I keep saying “We”, actually I mean you. Get down there!”

We enter a room with the illusion that we are going down to the bottom of the sea. You are met with scenery, multiple sunken ships, and a giant squid, or Kraken, I can’t tell

Part 3:
Sirens, (mermaids? IDK) aquatic version, not winged version singing. Not in a specific language btw, it’s not Chinese or English. Seems to be just tunes.
I’ll refer to the two blue skinned people as lost sailor.
Lost Sailor 1: “Mate! We’re the guards!”
Lost Sailor 2: “Oh! Then I definitely won’t tell them that the sunken treasure is here!”
Lost Sailor 1: “Shut up!”
Lost Sailor 2: “Oh there’s no treasure here! There’s no treasure here!”
The crowd drifts a bit
Mutated Atlantean Quartermaster: “Everyone know this! If you want to take Davy Jones’ treasure, then witness the Captain’s wrath! (Something similar)
Mutated Atlantean Captain, AKA Davy Jones:: Chuckles evilly “I’ve finally caught you, Jack Sparrow.”
Mutated Atlantean, Just voice, not the quartermaster. Worriedly: “Captain.”
Davy Jones: “No one can steal my treasure!”
Mutated Atlantean voice: “CAPTAIN!!!”
Davy Jones, still playing the underwater organ: “Speak!”
Mutated Atlantean: “Your treasure, was stolen by JACK SPARROW!”
Davy Jones, stops playing organ: “WHAAATTTT???”
Davy Jones, turns to the riders: “You! Tell Jack Sparrow that to steal my treasure, he’ll have to face me to death!”
Davy Jones, every cluster of word you hear is one of these, I just put them in one: Prepare for Battle! Sound the alarm! Release the Sails! And off we go to the surface!”

Part 4:
You emerge at the surface, along with the multiple sunken Atlantean Brigs that have suddenly became alive and intact again because Davy Jones said so. Again, illusion. Also you get very slightly wet
Jack Sparrow, not in shot cuz my phone is smol, but you could see him: “You want your treasure back? Then come and face me!”
Jack Sparrow: “Prepare, Aim, Fire!”
cannon battle ensues. Not with actually cannon balls though.
Davy Jones: "SPARROW! YOU BASTARD! (I think he actually said pest or something) I’M COMING FOR YOU! (If he said I’m coming for your head it would have been better)
Davy Jones disappears in a haze of green.
A sailor of Jack Sparrow: “LOOK OUT! He’s on our ship!”
Cutlass battle ensues, won’t translate because it is insignificant. Then the raft actually moves backwards on rails like a rollercoaster for once

Part 5
Jack Sparrow: “Beautifully done, mates! Wasn’t these sea coins worth it? Now, let’s split the treasure!”
Davy Jones: “Take it, Jack Sparrow, these are the treasures of your dreams. But. Let’s see how you can enjoy these piles of seaweed!”
Jack Sparrow: “My treasure! My fine wine! Bloody hell! It always ends like this! How could this be?”

Ride ends

Honestly, describing it can’t ever replicate the beauty of experiencing the ride itself so uh. Yeah, go to Shanghai.

So that is Pirates of the Caribbean, Battle for the Sunken Treasure. There’s also a show which is quite decently made that I recorded the entirety of, but I won’t post it here out of sake for too long, also because the youtube thing is annoying.
I hoped you like it.

Should I upload the play/show?

  • Yes (but I won’t provide translations)
  • No.
0 voters

I’m sorry, but there’s a skull in this ride? I thought China hated skeletons.

HAH! ANOTHER STEREOTYPE BROKEN! Skeletons are not banned. I don’t know what the west were saying when they thought that.