Diverse protection NPC's

Ngl, I was pretty tired of fighting MC all the time, and with the addition of the Grand Navy, I think it would be cool or even better to have some specific Islands have their own protection force that will attack you if you are a criminal. It would diversify combat and increase immersion on islands and allow vetex to show off the weapons for that specific island that he created before they are available for player purchase and possibly showcase the item’s special move. I think many players would not enjoy seeing the same NPC’s attacking from time to time and diversity would make things fun for players as the same methods won’t work for each time you have an encounter.

I thought this thing being added was obvious given the whole multiple kingdoms thing.

Honestly, with the whole idea of having numerous warring kingdoms around, why is the Grand Navy even a thing?
Wouldn’t it be way more interesting if that sorta stuff was dictated instead by where you are on the map and what kingdom’s borders you’re in?

There could be one kingdom that has enforcers skilled with magic, another with enforcers skilled in weapons, another that freely uses both, ect ect.
Why does the Grand Navy even exist?
If it becomes joinable by players, it will more than likely just be “AG: the sequel” where everybody (even positive reps) absolutely despise them and they become this concentrated pit of toxicity that nobody asked for.


This would be great I would like to see the different weapons and styles to fight in each kingdom I also have this idea the kingdoms defended by the GN would be the poorest since they would not have enough resources to defend themselves but captains and superiors could appear in the kingdoms in case of a great threat

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