Divine seas: A new empire

The crown of Telus was finished at last, 15 years after he had left his home to seek out new materials and improve his skill as a blacksmith. It was an artifact of incredible power, as Telus very soon discovered. He halfway expected it to, since his helm was already very imbued by fire magic, and the crown was pristine and unused.
And so he gathered a specific crew, one consisting of powerful warriors, mages and skilled craftsmen, all of whom were friends of Telus. He did so under the mask of “A Dark sea expedition”, but those were not his true intentions. He knew his crown would work, and he needed witnesses. It took the crew a few days to get ready, but alas they sailed away on a frigate armored and armed by the skill of Telus and his friends.
Telus stood by the helm, proudly looking up. A light breeze swirled around them, yet the frigate was by no means slow. The crew was going at a steady pace. Sun was shining and the weather was warm, though not hot. The frigate, named Hammer of Hephaestus, was smoothly going through the First sea. They sailed on, passing Canopy island, Savaria, Ice crown island and finally Eve island. When the grey walls of Eve island were finally far behind them, the crew saw the Dark sea in front of them: a colossal, dark wall of fog and clouds, out of whom occasionally broke thunder and tidal waves.
A certain anxiety took the crew over as they approached the Walls of the Ocean, even Telus, despite him already having visited the Dark sea and seeing the wonder of his work there. Hammer of Hephaestus slowly but surely approached the enormous darkness. And at that moment, Crown of Telus started glowing with power. It was as if they had brought a colossal battering ram and started smashing the walls of some terrible fortress.
“CHARGE ON FORTH!!!”, yelled Telus, and the crew picked up his call. “CHARGE ON!!!”, the voices rang from the frigate. Power of Telus’s forging let no wave touch the frigate. Unlike the first time, this time it was like he broke into a forest with a torch so hot, it burnt and charred all trees, letting him pass. Islands started emerging, but the crew did not slow down. No one knew what they were searching for, but it was a singular thought in the minds of all of them: to find something specific.
They sailed and sailed with this thought in their minds, and look! A new island had emerged, a manifestation of their thoughts. It was a great, lush land, roughly double the size of Alalea. On the eastern side stood a great bay, protected by two long cliffs that wrapped around. This is where the crew entered and, to their utter amazement, discovered their compasses were working again. Telus got off and so did three of his friends, and together they went and explored this new land.
The western bay climbed up into lush forests above, where they discovered a great ravine, like a moat, winding around the eastern side of a large mountain in the middle. It did not go all the way, though, as on the north and southwest the mountain sent two branches, creating large cliffs on both sides. The southwestern cliff was separated into two by the ravine, but not completely, as a large, natural bridge was still hanging. On the west of the island stood yet again smooth shores, cut and disrupted by a few caves.
As the rest of the crew got off, they brought the supplies they had stored. Telus and his three friends started building, and the others got onto the ship. Telus, Apsich, Laxei and Folgo stood behind to prepare the island, whilst the rest of the crew was to return to the Seven seas and gather people who wished to leave and go elsewhere.
An empire was being forged.

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I thought they stumbled into the war seas lol

They didn’t, if I set the story in any of the sea clusters, I’d be space-limitedfor Seven seas, Oldsea and War seas, and the othertwo would likely be inaccurate to what Vetex may plan
And so I completely made everything up by usjng the Dark sea