Divine seas: Birth of kingdoms

The crew made it out of the Dark sea after two days. The sailing was much more grueling withou the crown of Telus, but they made it out. Their orders were clear: they were to bring back as many skilled craftsmen as possible. And they did so. They went from island to island, spreading news. Soon, they gathered a very good amount of people. In year 1115, most islands had settled, and population grew.
From the first sea about 500 people promised to go. Around eighty from Doom island and the same amount from Eve island, roughly 150 from both Savaria and Mavist island and some fourty people from the Crystal archipelago. From Mavist island descended the line of Rasils.
In the second sea, the crew found about 300 people, most of whom came from Altavista. However, they also recruited a group of Vastus they encountered. It was a humble amount of thirty, added onto the twenty in the First sea. The First sea Vastus accepted the leaders of the Second sea Vastus, creating the line of Exeires, the rulers of giants.
The third sea recruitment added around 1000 people. Most of these came from Alalea, whilst from Icicle peak came around 50, from Sabura 200 and from Whiteridge another 50. However, with them came Poseidonians from the city underwater in the south of the third sea.
All in all, after about a month, there was around two thousand humans, fifty Vastus and five hundred Poseidonians ready to depart. The ports in all four seas held large frigates and brigs loaded up with supplies for starting a new life. Telus’s friends gathered the people into the first sea and departed afterwards.
-We must go north, past Eve island, until we reach the Dark sea. After that, we keep straight. That’s the route we took the last time, and if we divert even slightly, we could get lost. We must keep a close eye on the dark sea compass too. The moment it suddenly changes direction, we must follow it- said the head of the diplomats, Legasto.
Thus, the grand fleet left. This time, the skyes were heavy, lightining cracked all over the skyes and southern wind boosted them forward. The crew saw great fins of the beats tamed by the Poseidonians, pulling their carriages as they followed the fleet. Sharks and sea monsters didn’t bother them, as the sight of Poseidonians, expert hunters, filled them with fear.
Unlike the first time, the wall of the dark sea stood firm in its place. The crew went on, entering the cursed ocean. However, Legasto was well-prepared. He knew he couldn’t fight anything that came their way. The ships were light, fast and easy to control. This let them dodge and avoid waves, whirlpools and tornadoes that came their way.
A big problem, however, were flocks of sirens. They spotted the ships coming their way, and had floccked hoping for a feast. At first, the sailors tried to take them out, but soon they gave up. Calls echoed through the darkness and, even if the crew avoided every reef and mountain infested with the monsters, the call soon attracted a large flock.
Yet the First fleet, later known as the Dusk’s fleet, kept on going. Atlantean ships failed to catch up to them, they dodged most catastrophes. But even so, the skyes were still black, and there was no joy in seeing the white clouds. For the white clouds were actually masses of feathers and skirts of sirens. Sometimes, arrows or magic attacks flew out of the flock, but the beasts kept up. Soon, their numbers reached hundreds.
This went on for four whole days, much longer than the diplomats expected. But just as they started losing hope, the needles on the compasses switched around in the blink of an eye. Before they knew it, they had left the dark sea, but instead of dark walls behind them, there was only little mist, like when a battering ram ruins a wall, leaving tons of rubble behind.
Legasto and his companions looked in awe. They left behind barely an island, but before them now stretched large seas. They had entered from the south, a sandy, desert region. On the east were colossal mountains, on the southwest, large and lush forests. Obscuring the view to the north was a large mountain where they now saw a distant glow.
After a few days, the lands took form.
On the north, between frozen lands and mountains, home found many alaleans, but leading them was the Rasil family. The lands were not very warm, but not freezing cold either. Surrounding the Rasil family stood three noble families, Ennil, Kalya and Arthan. The king took land in the north, settling on a large, grassy island of sparse forests and steep shores. Ennils, Kalyas and Arthans recieved the eastern, southern and western parts of the kingdom respectively. The name of the capital and the kingdom was Reistall.
Tall lands in the east took the giants and a few people who were their friends. Their rulers were the Exeiries. Two other families helped them rule the lands, Arstairs and Storexes. They built their halls atop the large spires, on the flatlands and in the hidden groves. However, a few humans led by the Parvei family from Whiteridge lived in their mercy, settling under the tall cliffs on the plateaus surrounding the peaks. They formed a small county, Parta, in the shadows of Exenios. Both kingdoms accepted the giant’s city of Versten as their capitals.
To the south, the mountains turned into small sandstone peaks. There settled the giants who wished to live in lower areas, and people from Oblitesco who didn’t mind their presence. The leader of the sharpshooting group was the Altario family, skilled marksmen, but they didn’t rule alone. They shared power with the giants from Sarbes family. Both of them made capital on the same island, Sartanes, but the halls of humans facced west, into the flat sands, whilst the giant’s halls looked to the east, observing the dry peaks there.
West of Sartanes their homes found Savarians and Saburans. Their kings were of the Arma family, but only of those who forgave Telus were let to join the voyage. Five noble families stood with them, but not as big as those in the other kingdoms. The families were: Veleio, nobles of city of Vatala, Ilsom, nobles of Ilsana, Yitalah, nobles of Yeneya, Nalai, nobles of Nenoya and Mibilat, nobles of Menekuh. All those cities were under the rule of Armanata, capital of the Dinura kingdom.
West of the kingdom were lush forests of Lagasan, kingdom ruled by the family of the same name. These were people mainly from Mavist island, mainland and Eve island. Their great city was Lagan, their royal family the Mantil family from mavist island. With them were another two families that ruled alongside them. Karom family was from Kain, in the northern county, whilst the Hellah family was from Ahalla, in the south. Every month, the families switched places as counselors to the Lagan family. The counseling family moved to Lagan, whilst the other one went to their city.
Finally, on the cold norhtwest were the cold lands. They were split into two kingdoms: the giant’s lands and the human’s lands. Giant’s kingdom was named Frigidia, whilst the human’s kingdom was called Gaelia. The two kingdoms exchanged knowledge and resources happily, Frigidia giving humans wood from the southern taigas, whilst Gaelia gave giants stone from the northern tundras. Royal and noble family of Frigidia were Kreys and Hyrstios, their capital’s name Kreystios. Meanwhile, royal and noble family of Gaelia were Peyscher and Pagyun, their capital’s name Peyscyun.

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