Do I switch to Thermo Warlock or nah? I can't decideeee

Right so I’ve got this Mage file, I love all the mage stuff, all that upcoming content sounds super fun, but!
Thermo Fist is really fun.

I can’t decide, should I stay mage or go for thermo warlock?
Warlock has like no future content planned, just half of what strength and magic have.
So I’d lose surge, I’d lose shape, I’d lose ultimate art, I’d lose ancient magic.
I’d gain thermo fist, I’d gain some more fun, I’d gain most of the fighting style stuff that people care about, and I’d gain lost/upgraded fighting styles eventually.

I’m not sure if it’s worth it, I made a stat build for it though.

I feel like it also clashes with my outfit, but just a little bit.

Is it worth sacrificing fun for scorch magic on the main file, and having to wait a really long time to play with lost magic when it comes out?

I really like fighting but magiiiicc, I don’t wanna miss out of the fun magiccc stufffff. I don’t have a good mage file other than this one. I only have jugger warlord savant and berserker files.

Guys what do I do, shall I fist the thermo, or fist the unfun Q/E/X spam?


I said my MAIN FILE, idiot.
“Make a new file” if I wanted to do that why would I care about this?

But why not just use another file for thermo (itll still be fun)

I do have another file with thermo, I’m saying my main file.

oh then no, just use yoour other file lol

Do I switch my main file to warlock or nah?


but mage isn’t fun anymore, I feel like it never even was.

idk i played mage back at release and i didnt find it boring per se but i switched later. i just feel like why not make your other thermo file your main if you wanna main thermo?

Because this is THE main file, I switch it according to what I want.
The other files don’t have that vibe to it

lol okay then sure switch to thermo if you think itll be more fun

But what about rare magic and rare spells?

you’ll still be able to get rare spells eventually right? maybe not all of them but still a decent amount. and rare magics, yeah, you wont be able to get them, but its fine as long as you’re having fun.

honestly i would just not worry too much about it as long as youre having fun

Should I just see how the tide turns by empires? I’ve got of got like 3 things I’m doing for that already

Well hybrid builds can at LEAST get lost magics.

oh okay then its fine

Magic savant :smiling_imp:

You know what, why am I worrying about ancient magic? If I want scorch magic so desperately I can switch again in TWO YEARS.

yeah that’s plenty of time