I think it would be cool to have a button for this to be turned on or off. Maybe like a cinematic feature.
I think uhhh blacksmiths huhhhh are animated uhhhh yeah uhhh thats dynamic
no my laptop will lag even more
It would need to be preset paths and probably client side only, else the servers would just die
This will bring a lot of lag because of all the extra physics that will be added into the game
The game already has a lot of optimization issues, and I know this better than anyone else because I played on a low end device for the first two months after game release.
You know, there’s a reason why many npcs need to have their joints disabled when they aren’t being interacted with. This will just add a lot more lag to the game and I don’t think people would want that
I imagined the cannon first dude mining with cannons now idk y
bro we dont need another memory leak
BRM5 has this but making them could be difficult and may perhaps cause lags
some animations for things like shop npcs and general npcs you’d see often would be nice
WoM had this feature, since it wasn’t moved into AO, then it means that Vetex prob fully declined it.
Dynamic NPCs are literally one of the main reasons why Vetex had to revamp the game and remake it from scratch due to its issues.
No reason to bring it back.
I see…well that sucks. Damn.
Dynamic NPCs are on the ban suggestions list, be warned
Oh they are?? I never knew. Ill be more careful from now on.
Thank you very much good sir.
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