Alright I’m convinced there really is no use in bringing it back.
Could even make em interact with each other in a way?
120% sure vetex stated he was never gonna add this “dynamic npc” feature
any procedurally generated movement paths will inevitably lead to countless memory leaks, doesn’t matter how good it is with the way roblox and map destruction works it’s impossible to make work without causing severe lag in a few hours, which then leads to severe crying in Vetcord.
Fairly sure it’s been stated multiple times that it will probably never be added by vetex, and the closest thing that would be added was set paths for an npc to walk through, completely ignoring things such as terrain damage
(also, to make a suggestion you need to apply for the @Suggestor role, suggestions outside of Suggestions will be liable to being closed)
i dont understand where this is coming from because warmwater is just agreeing with and elaborating on your point are you like having a schizo meltdown
Sounds like stuff which will be added in the Kingdom Alignment update. (You can read about it on the trello.) It might come with the Nimbus sea update.
actually you’re right
I severally doubt wandering npcs will ever come back due to how many issues regarding framerate they brought up
also i think the kingdom and town alignment feature will make towns feel more alive since that’s vetex intention with the feature anyway
not even fucking kidding by the way
dynamic npcs were a really irritating addition that was only cool for like 10 seconds until it became unbearable and i’m glad they’re gone
The NPCs could do with… having animations.
now this, is a better alternative to dynamic npcs.
it’ll take time to animate, but like giving some of them cool animations would make them feel more like characters. it also doesn’t lag the everloving FUCK out of the game and you don’t have to wait for shitlegs mcreek to walk back to his stall just so you can buy some fucking fish bait
It’d be alot more complicated but there could be slight variations to each island with NPCs that are randomly chosen when a server startup that has NPCs in different places doing different things so that each island isn’t exactly the same every time you visit it.
I see. However I still think they should get a Little something So they don’t just stand around until the end of time. But I do see what you are getting at.
I would Agree waiting for the Npcs to get back to their respective shops is quite annoying. But what if only A few of the Jobless ones had animations. Do you think there could be a way around the Lag?
Whats up with you. You got a Problem?
this would actually be pretty cool for another stealth section
I just think it looks goofy when they stand over open space.