I personally believe that there can be no women on this forum (feel free me to prove me wrong if you feel so inclined)
Why? Is it because gaming is only a “man” thing? Because news flash it isn’t anymore it is now being enjoyed by like everyone so I don’t know what you are talking about
it’s a joke that the forums is a women repellent because we all smell
Yeah it is a joke lol but I do honestly believe the forum is probably 60-70% guys
there’s uhhh at least 5 women i think
It’s that this game transforms women
I’m kinda
the forums repel all the women
Nice try duke, we all know women aren’t real. Every “woman” you see is just a femboy
Who gave birth to you then
Uh duh we all just spawn in
a woman that’s not on the forums
There are no “women” here or whatever witchcraft deceit you speak of, don’t be fooled
rule of thumb:
- every man on the internet is a man
- every woman on the internet is a man
- every child on the internet is a cop
me me! me me! waves hands
me me! me me!
what if everyone in the forum is a woman?
Biological? No
Hello hi. Am girl
I think they’re all in my head. I made them up and they don’t actually exist
Who said that? I don’t see anyone, mustve been the wind