Do you speak your ethnic language?

self explanatory title (basically, do you speak the language of your ethnicity?)

and if not, why?

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i rarely speak my own language but when i do it sounds americanized as fuck :eagle::us: thanks america

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speaks vietnamese in american accent

Iā€™m Norwegian and Hungarian, and I donā€™t know anything about either of those languages.

I cannot communicate the funny language associated with nuclear bombs, awful boy bands, and a netflix series about a very deadly game.

can (partly) relate

Also, Hungarian is apparently just English with accent.
Hungarian language, alphabet and pronunciation

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No i dont

White and Puerto Rician here. Donā€™t know Spanish. Absent father. Culturally Iā€™m basically not even Spanish, no one assumes it until they see my generic ass name. I got the name of an NPC istg

I can understand and listen to Indonesian speaking and know most of what theyā€™re saying, Iā€™m just really bad at actually talking in it.

do i speak canadian

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mustā€¦ resistā€¦ the urgeā€¦

only if you spell ā€œcolorā€ with a ā€˜Uā€™



A true Canadian.


yes i speak it



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im from 4 different places, each grandparent being from a different country. Ireland Italy Trinidad and Nigerian. and no i cannot speak a lick of any of those languages except italian