Do you speak your ethnic language?

it was basically if you spoke your ancestral language (like if you was chinese and spoke chinese)

Wouldn’t English still be an ethnicity in that case?



i guess?

sometimes I say curse words in Nigerian when im REALLY angry
when I was 9, I called my teacher a… well
horrible name in nigerian, and he asked me what it meant and I said
“It means your the BEsT teACher in the wORLD”

however, I don’t know alot of my language, only a ton of curse words, the word for sit down, the word for come here, the word for shut up, the word for “are you stupid?”, the word for “I love you”, the word for chair

I also learned a little bit of Yoruba but I haven’t retained it that well

My mom tried to teach me how to say the body parts in my language, but since she didn’t use those words often I haven’t retained them either.