poomancer vs shitlock, who would win
pissogue (sourced from piss and pishogue) and asslchemist solo
excretage, shitlock, turdjurer, paladeuce and poovant. which mashit build would win
What The Fuck
Sorcerer, of course
strengggppbbbtt, vitalipee, and weapoop as well:
shitternaut, oracrap, blight, turdzerker, warripoop, fartlord,
Wheres wom
I physically cannot play AO as I am well over 8000 kilometers from my pc
Also school is beating my ass
Im edging myself (looking at the game’s roblox page but not playing it) until the update comes so I can reach euphoria (starting a new file)
i’m waiting for nimbus sea to be done and then i will join back tbh
by release i mean that before any other updates
Barely play AO, played since AA (lightning is my goat), theres a lot for me to do but i dont get the enjoyment out of it currently (my build is complete trash)
I’m curious what the results for this would be if someone were to retake this shortly after clan building, right now i fear it might be skewed towards players dedicated enough to remain active on the forums despite the relative lack of major updates recently