Do you think Phoenix magic will have some sort of mobility/flight because it was confirmed to give you wings

I really want Phoenix and I think it would be cool if it could fly for a short duration or have mobility

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nah but there is a lost magic confirmed to give you wings

yeah, thats phoenix magic

idk how it would be balanced but probably yeah because idk what else a phoenix could do with its wings

u got it wrong its
ancient art: red bull


It’ll just be visual changes prob like flapping your wings to shoot out fireballs, maybe the Hover spell is better with Phoenix Magic? We’ll just have to wait a few years until Lost Magics release to confirm this

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I think it’ll have some high mobility but I don’t think it’ll have flight per se, at least not the kind like we got in WoM.

We will find out when it gets added though.

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i think it will just be a hover

I Was Just Thinking About That Lmayo

maybe it’ll have little quirks that allow you to stay in the air a lot more than other magics, like recoil and just making you floatier

probably is gonna end up just being visual imo

Logic: Yes
Game Logic: No

Maybe Phoenix will give some kind of boost to hoover speed or smth

when’d we get flight

It’s the next spell we were supposed to unlock, some magic council members have it but we didn’t reach the level requirement unfortunately

I can imagine Phoenix having wings while

  • charging
  • hovering
  • flaunting
  • modes

But I don’t think it would get a specific move since as far as we know, no magics are supposed to have specific moves


NPCs have it. We may not have it per se but we can see how it would have worked with them.

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Everyone knows that theos just used sky skates to fly
not use his magic.

red bull magic goated fr

dont think lost magics have unique abilities/spells
just stronger and different effects

ancient magics might tho
