Do you think we will learn more about the visigoths?

visigoths not the seekers of sight okay

no not really, i assume they were just a minor group that got killed by the seekers

but they even got an armor

The armor wasn’t made by visigoths, it was made out of them


The SoS made basic construction out of their bones, then pulled their skin over the constructions to make armor

its made of metal


bro where is your evidence


ah, shifting the burden of evidence fallacy
present yours first

bc he made the first claim

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I’d say there’s a good chance, we know their undead king possessed by Chaos will be a side boss in the future so there’s a high likelihood we’ll get to learn a bit more about them when that and potentially a quest tied to it, comes out.

yeah you are right we will probably learn about both

he asked for evidence first

God I hope not

the visigoths used to be one of rome’s many enemies vetex would have changed the name if they were a different thing

I knew the goths spread chaos but I didn’t know it was this serious…

Two sides of being dominated by goths