Dodging reflex lists simplified

not in terms of experience

if you teleport with zero momentum, you didn’t move AT ALL.

tell me, which would be more fun? if dashes currently do as they normally do, or if you just popped into the exact location you would be in if you did do a normal dash?

Teleportation is NOT moving fast, and any character who “is the fast one” but just has a bunch of teleport skills isn’t a fast character


I’m not talking from a real life thing, I’m talking from an actually playing a game point

a teleport in a game is not the same as moving fast, it’s like if you were playing boost vector and pyrotech spirals just teleported you a set amount forwards without giving you any speed

what the heck is boost vector.

personally I’ve always really enjoyed being able to teleport in games because of how fast it feels.
its always fun fighting somebody, seeing them go in for a big attack, and just not being there before they even realize what’s happened.

The teleports definitely seem like they have a lot of momentum

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The benefit here is that your opponent doesn’t know WHERE you’re dashing to. You could dash over them or to their flanks.

who cares if it’s optimal if it’s not fun

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Racing game, sorta.

Some more stuff about that

Has some minigames, too.
Main gimmick is “Boosting” which there are… three styles of, last I checked? Those being “hold to accelerate faster”, “hold to prepare to get a big burst of speed (I think)”, and “hold to prepare to be elsewhere”.

Anyways, I figure the best way for a teleportation to “feel fast” is to have it not be teleportation, exactly, but a dash that skips part of the distance. If the advantages from teleporting are to be kept, I guess you’d have to make it only show which direction you arrived from?

Sailor step feels misleading. Why can’t we walk in the air? That would be cool and unique. Basically a downgraded but cooler hover.

yeah basically this would be the best outcome, you still do a teleport for SOME distance but the rest of it you still have the momentum of a dash, like if a dash before the change would move a distance of 100y, then the teleport would travel 50y and then you have dash distance for 50y

That looks like how it already works

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the video showed everything aside from thermo as having next to no momentum after the teleport

A longer patreon video was posted that gave a better look at teleports and other reflex dodges, in this video you get a better look at how high agility teleports looked and from what I could tell it seems similar to what you explained

teleports are really hard to get 150 agility is a lot to pour into stats. if u really want to be super fast with out teleport just go 140 anybody who wants teleport has to sac a lot of other potential stats to obtain it. it also get gets harder to get teleport as u level up the requirement gets higher.

teleports are lame going fast is what its at

I have 280 agility with more agility possible to obtain right now.

I AM the authority on speed

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you are the embodiment of agility

wonder if there’re embodiments of attack size, intenisty, etc. as well…

Lol ye maybe there should be a toggle ig😂

I have 286

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