Dodging reflex lists simplified

Magic dodge reflexes:
(Wind, lightning, light): Step: A dodge that allows the user to move extremely fast resembling a teleport
(Solid/tangible magics): Barrier: you conjures walls while dodging, gaining some resistance, in exchange these go the shortest
(Other magics): Burst: A magic imbued dodge
Strength dodge reflexes:
(Basic combat): Basic Strength: A strength imbued dodge which can be instant when have high agility
(Cannon fist): Cannon Strength: A strength imbued dodge which can be instant when have high agility
(Sailor fist): Sailor step: A sea water energy imbued dodge which can be instant when have high agility
(Boxing): Vima: A fast movement instantaneous speed
(Iron leg): Iron arms: The user coats their arms in iron to gain resistance while dodging
(Thermo fist): Afterimage: an instant dodging move when at high heat, so fast that it leaves a heat afterimage behind
Weapons dodge reflexes:
Exoplis: A movement can be used on the air or on the ground, causing your weapon to glow when moving, it can be become instant when have high agility
Vitality dodge reflexes:
Ekrix: An ancient movement using soul energy to absorb some damage during the dodge

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ekrix can also become instant with high agility btw, this was shown in the showcase video

i love how he made 2 abilities and then just gave up :skull:


so basically
wind, lightning, light: teleportation
boxing: also teleportation
solid magics: wall + resistance
most fighting style: imbued air dodge
iron leg: resistance
weapon dodge: make your weapon glow, thats it
vitality dodge: resistance

pretty sure all of these can become teleporation at high ( current lv x 1.2 ) agility, maybe except solid magics cause fck those

no its teleport and make your weapon glow.

always or only at high agility?

well all of the ones that teleport are only at high agility too, to my understanding.

pretty sure fast magics and boxing automatically do so, else why would they be explicitly said that they’re a teleport?

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We’ll find out when the update releases lol.

Absorbing damage, depending on how powerful it is…

I said it once I’ll say it again

we need to be able to disable teleports with high agility

Nah we need to be able to choose the sound effect we hear (client side)
Give us an option to choose what kind of sounds people make while using the teleport dodge Reflex (Player/Other)
If I had this option I’d for sure be choosing to hear the Thermo Afterimage teleport sound effect over the others.

I’m being serious the teleport makes dashing 10x worse.

Why? Because you’re not moving fast, you’re just teleporting

teleporting is literally the pinnacle of moving fast.

not in terms of experience

if you teleport with zero momentum, you didn’t move AT ALL.

tell me, which would be more fun? if dashes currently do as they normally do, or if you just popped into the exact location you would be in if you did do a normal dash?

Teleportation is NOT moving fast, and any character who “is the fast one” but just has a bunch of teleport skills isn’t a fast character


I’m not talking from a real life thing, I’m talking from an actually playing a game point

a teleport in a game is not the same as moving fast, it’s like if you were playing boost vector and pyrotech spirals just teleported you a set amount forwards without giving you any speed

what the heck is boost vector.

personally I’ve always really enjoyed being able to teleport in games because of how fast it feels.
its always fun fighting somebody, seeing them go in for a big attack, and just not being there before they even realize what’s happened.

The teleports definitely seem like they have a lot of momentum

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The benefit here is that your opponent doesn’t know WHERE you’re dashing to. You could dash over them or to their flanks.