Does anyone have good pictures of high level Gravy/Ass NPCs

Specifically Commodores and Lords

During executions, the NPCs are the highest none atlantean I’ve seen

Screenshot 2023-05-11 3.31.19 PM
obligatory Adkins post

Cool, but I want high quality pics

Also if possible can u tell me their build

criminal about to go free their friend seeing a level 400 admiral with a musket on his back:

Love how the highest ranks of the Navy only have muskets and cutlasses as their weapons

The navy budget sure is tight huh

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Wish I could share a better picture of adkins but its classified info sadly

Also adkins is a warrior, they used a sword (you can see it in the img) and some type of gun that I dont remember, idk if they had a third weapon

Wdym classiffied

The navy budget is tight because they don’t know how to spend their galleons properly

dark sea range 5 caravel real

here’s a low level one

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another one

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I tried to summon some myself, for some reason the invis didnt work later on

These are exactly what I want tysm
Do you have their builds?

unfortunately no… i didn’t notice the first one’s build… and I didn’t agro the second one

They know that all they need is guns. They just auto aim and delete your hp

This is in the bronze sea somehow, he didn’t agro against me either for some reason even though i have bounty

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