Does anyone have the clean textures of each of the AO factions logos?

I am going to be doing a pretty big project on something I want to suggest for the game, and the faction logos are part of the initial suggestion

These are all the logos I need. You many notice the Grand Navy is omitted but that is due to the nature of the suggestion not fitting them.

Something like this would be awesome, Tobi’s post here is a recreation but I still think I could use it (with his permission of course), but I would still like to know if anyone has the direct sources so I don’t have to go around asking people to use their recreations.

Ignore this part if you don’t care about the suggestion I want to make

This is mostly for context since I think at least someone would ask. My suggestion is going to revolve around treasures for the game, like items whose sole purpose is to be sold, and I figured I should go big with this one since I have a few ways I want to approach this. So to start the proposition I would do something like ‘gold ingots’ emblazoned with certain factions logos, except for Ravenna it would be ‘Ravenna Bronze’, and Redwake something else, etc.

I’m hoping by actually modeling some of the treasures in blender I can get more people on board with the idea of treasures. I even plan to add an extra piece on the end that isn’t really ‘necessary’, but it’s just something I would like, which would be like ‘treasure collections’. The ability to collect multiple treasures in a ‘set’ to boost the overall profit you get from each one.

Anyway, treasure items are the focus, I want the logos to kinda of test the waters with my model making abilities. It’s not super hard to make an ingot in blender, nor would it be hard to emblazen a logo on it- as long as I have the clean texture.

found the original version of the ravenna one
(2) Banner_Ravenna - Roblox

let me see if i can find the other ones?

found the AS one
(2) Images/Banner_Syndicate (2) - Roblox

and i think this are the only public ones.

I will let you know if i find anything else!

(2) Images/banner_Greenwish - Roblox

(2) Images/banner_Winterveil (1) - Roblox

(2) Banner_Sameria - Roblox

(2) Redwake - Roblox

If you need anything else i can gladly help you, if i am awake obviously

(Note : I found this in the roblox page and the some images where white so that)

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Thanks a million. I’ll have to recolor the greenwish and Ravenna ones but that’s fine honestly.

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