Does anyone have the galleon list

i need the link. I dont plan to actually use it, i just wanna see how people price things now.
while im here,

  1. is SW chest for 2 acrimonies and SI boots W or L? (i think medium L)
  2. is Sunken sword for 220k gal W or L? (i think big W)

even with acrimonies dropping in value by a good amount this trade still is a mid-small L for the acrimony side imo

W for the sunken sword side by a very good amount

i bought the sword, so L for me? imo gals arent worth a damn so i just took the trade

you couldve prolly gotten it for 150k and if not then you couldve bought seasonals and then traded for the ssword. It still likely wouldve cost around 150k but def no more than 175k. So ye 175k > ssword in trading

i have seasonals but im saving those for later sunken sets and weapons, thanks for the tips though

Galleons have absolutely no value whatsoever and they’re only going to get less valuable as time goes on and we get faster and faster ways to get more, buying anything in trade for galleons is a W lol.

thats what im thinking
do you not have the link to that list with things valued in galleons? i just wanna see what people value stuff at now

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