Does anyone here who plays adventure story have wraith or snowman power?

not fun at all, so made a new acc and asking for people with the power to help me get evil impact or snowmen

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well anyway if yall ever can help me just dm me on discord 1ncogn170#5221 , i gtg now

i have snowman but im not going to help you because im evil


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i get interest in adventure story in periodic waves, im not in that wave right now

im playing the fuck out of the wild west

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wait is this game free or need robux?

its a free game, it was only paid during the early access period for either 25 or 50 robux

i must warn you though if you plan on playing, its probably pretty rough on new players especially nowadays so uh just try to figure out the game bit by bit and sometimes there are nice players who can help u

wdym rough like community full of shitbags?

Well the community has tons of shitty people but you wont really see much of them if you dont get yourself into faction stuff. What I mean is the gameā€™s map is huge and thereā€™s a lot of stuff and hidden stuff to explore/do, so it can be pretty confusing on what to do or how to grind, especially if youā€™re new.

That and you will get demolished in pvp by any player with over 20 hours in the game due to there being an essential pvp technique which basically lets you run and shoot, which most new players wont know about so they get easily killed since theyā€™re just standing still. (Itā€™s shiftshooting if youā€™re planning to play the game, idk if you are)

nah I ainā€™t playing it

wait so is it like an RP game?

Iā€™d say partially yea, thereā€™s a lot of stuff in the game specifically for roleplaying, aswell as loads of customization, and I do see a fair amount of players roleplaying though I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s mainly roleplay. The PvP is pretty major too and thatā€™s why a lot of guns get balance changes.

There is PvE too, but itā€™s kind of limited outside of events.

is there like a story orā€¦

is it literally just

ā€œyeehaw cowboys and indians and stuff in the badlands bang pow yeehawwā€

No, but there is some deep rooted lore you can find in small details around the map and from events, though I never really payed much mind to it. It is literally just ā€œdo whatever you want in the gameā€, itā€™s not really like rdr2 in the sense of that it has a story since so many people like to compare the 2 games

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aw hell nah just saw this

please donā€™t tell me this game has their own version of suncry

or even worse

doge nation

well theres a few pedo faction leaders so yeah theres a suncry there aswell :skull:

though if you mean like fr, not really, thereā€™s no official infamy system for the game so factions just use community servers to claim land on a virtual map and stuff by having wars in the game, those wars are strictly faction vs faction, though MASSIVE fights can start at certain places of the map if a high rank of a faction gets mad or something and pings people to join him :woman_shrugging:

:fr: this is why guilds were a mistake in general.

speaking of fights, what kinds of guns are there??

You have some regular guns, a laser burst sniper rifle gun, a goddamn alien laser cannon gun (removed, was only for an event), an axe-gun, a hell fuelled cursed pistol, a winter fuelled frozen rifle, a bow that shoots icicles, blowdarts which stun people, and uhhhh purple ancient shotgun too



anything along the lines of like a gatling maybe?

it costs around 1.2 million (1.2 million takes maybe 50-60 hours since usually you can average 20k-25k per hour), so good luckā€¦its also the most sought after gun, besides the new axegun which was added recently

the game has 2 forts and they both have a bunch of gattling guns so yeah there are

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