Does anyone here who plays adventure story have wraith or snowman power?

I need someone in this community who has snowman or wraith power to help me get evil impact or snowman summon.

@anon32468667 hi
u’s got the nice to do it

i’m not sure i understand what that means

Welcome to our :male_sign: gay :male_sign: club!

you’re the one on discord who recommended this to me like 6 mins ago lol

I mean I have both powers

can u help me get evil impact or snowman summon? or both if its not trouble for you.

Do you have challenge power btw

i do

ehh idk


If you have challenge power with some level of rng it might take 3 hours or shorter
During my grind with elment and took like 1 hour for snowman (somebody else named dabble)

i already have 1 snowman card, challenge power and card boost

Alright that’ll probably boost your chances by a lot but it did take me some time to find people who help me farm the cards in AS

As currently its time wasting and there is a good chance AS would make a full wipe (I think vetex stated once) during AO’s time updating. Un-sure about the event cards if thats being wiped.

i mean i have a friend with 51 atk power that 1 shots c3 bk, he may be able to help, he got wraith and snowman in like 10 mins

Thats because he apple-dupes
He used a glitch to instant kill/dupe apples perma

Not a real AS player :sob:

yeah, if u worry about it beingtime consuming he might help

I’d rather play battles fairly.

There are so much apple-dupers in AS and they make fights not as fun. Being able to instant kill doesn’t give the game its uniqueness as you won’t be able to gain that type of fun off of it.
I solo’d bedrock before and it was more fun than having a stat-apple duper instant kill bedrock while I couldn’t do anything and waste away at my items, it breaks the entire point of the game.

I have a hate for stat-apple dupers so I might be aggressive : D

exactly, if you just click a button to win, then you’re just playing a simulator

apple dupers suck ASS


yeah, i have an acc like that with evil impact and snowman and regret doing the glitch