Does Church Of Iris Require You To Surgically Remove Your Brain?

At this point, if you dont have friends in this game. Expect to suffer greatly.

Even as an ex “PVE demon” most people aren’t going to give you even a single penny. If it’s a penny that they hold a slither of value for.

I’ve seen these fucking hoarders have concerningly game crash inducing inventories and have the audacity to say “Not trading anything rn”

I thank god every day the traders im friends with dont act anything remotely like this :pray:

all of my friends kind of dipped out
there wasn’t much to do for them after the storyline, especially my friend, who’s just gonna wait on the dark sea for the replayability he wants because he is a deepwoken player

anyway we should probably stop the conversation before we get split into another topic that no one will speak on

yes. Some dick sunk my ship while i was farming silverhold

tbf hallowed is a good trade for both items individually

Thats cap bro
Sunken helm alone is worth nearly 2 seasonals and hallowed = 2
So no its not even close to a big overpay

Honestly would say that a helmet is worth 1.8 seasonals but i can see 1.5
Acrimony realistically i agree is like 0.5 maybe lower but ye rn people overpay like crazy for them

And also agree with halloweds being no where near 3 seasonals. 2 max 100% and not even 2 of all seasonals. 2 body wraps would be an overpay for a hallowed

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Not even worth 1.5 imo, but even if, the overpay you can get with halloweds is brazy anyway, making the potential to flip for profit if you consider that a bad deal, huge

Thats wild you undervalue them by a lot. Theyre a great accessory now and you can def take one over an amulet due to jewel sockets
And the overpay for halloweds is already 2 seasonals with only very rarily 3 so i wouldnt consider them being more valuable than 2.0 seasonals

I have a truly astonishing fact I think this entire forum would find quite intriguing:

THE VALUE OF SEASONALS IS SUBJECTIVE. THEY’RE VANITY COLLECTABLES, THE ONLY VALUE THEY HOLD IS WHAT YOU GIVE TO THEM. Seriously, people, you can say they’re “worth” however much, but the simply truth is, they’re a functionally worthless item valued by different people for different amounts.

ok its not good but no need to cause drama over it

heres something you might find quite intriguing:

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I suppose so, but my point still stands: they’re functionally useless. Any and all value you have for them is made up in your mind.

… I suppose that could be said about anything, but you see what I’m getting at.

agree to disagree


lliterally, just…


u cutting a seasonal’s code in half and giving to the person? tf is half a seasonal?!

1:2 or 2:3 ratio

My brain is impeccably smooth, what does infamy bombing mean? Is that intentionally lowering the clan’s infamy rather than trying to boost it?

just a way to visualize price, ofc the half a seasonal u would have to equal with something of lesser value than said seasonal

yes, more commonly known as infamy draining, and is a bannable offense last time i reported someone for it

your hate for the clan is probably unfounded (unless they did something heinous im not aware of). You could’ve just declined the trade without needing to leaving a rude message. Then you decided to take to the forums to piss on the guy. Idk what he said that made you want to make a post about this but he gave his reasoning and was pretty respectful about it.