Does the peacekeeper ever end up marrying someone

I never saw anything in the lore that indicated the peacekeeper had a relationship with anybody.

it could very well be me looking into it wrong but they way I see it… the peacekeeper is completely bitchlessssss!


The gaps in the peacekeeper’s story and personality can be filled out by you, the player; if you want to headcanon that they found a romantic interest on an island during their journey, it probably wouldn’t be too conflicting with lore


f peacekeeper, too busy finding curses to get a relationship

the peacekeeper is a self insert slot in its purest form
YOU decide wether or not they are bitchless


nah since they’re supposed to be a self-insert of us they are most certainly bitchless, period


the real question is…

is she cute?

(or “he” works too I guess?)


are they a homeless bum? then they are not cute

pk dating trigno fr damn

yes he is

What does being homeless have to do with being cute?


I’ve always thought the peacekeeper was too busy with literally keeping the peace that they couldn’t settle down. Sure, maybe they have fallen in love with someone or vice versa, but actually married? Doubt. Just me though anyone else can feel free to think whatever.

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in my opinion if i got to destroy cubes for a few hundred years, i wouldnt need anything else in life


How did we go from vetex deciding to create arcane adventures to determining whether a lore character is bitchless or not :worried:

I say peacekeeper is vetexgames OC cuz why not

his oc marry uh

woman from AO (person who wakes up on island)

Unrelated but this reminds me of the eldritch horror that thr faces of the webcomic can be like :no_mouth:

yeah ngl Trollus is scarily good at making uncanny faces lmao

despite the hardship given to them by the players of aa, the peacekeeper creates a will of his own, and falls in love with the grass and showers.

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