Does your OC die

undecided but the twins shouldn’t be dead any time soon.

They all do.

None of them have a curse; they die of old age.

Gonna do kamikadze attack in Aesir HQ frist

Explosion surge be like

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I mean I never really thought about it but I imagine Leo grows to be a badass old man unless the storyline actually kills him off lmao

:explosion_magic: :explosion_magic: :explosion_magic:

Icarus would probably die from old age
Casper either dies at old age or dies from falling off from a giant height into the water
Irene dies in a fight probably
Markus dies in a fight probably (or from old age)
Atlantiades and his 2 siblings can only die in a fight due to being canon curse users
Signe probably dies against the grand navy
Artzai probably dies against the assassin syndicate
Astrid dies while fighting probably
(none of these ocs are supposed to replace the mc/player for me)


Typ cannot truly “die”, but he’ll probably revert back into the grand pool of being before being re-awakened some couple thousands or millions of years later

UNIT also can’t “die” but might do something special compared to typ’s strange life cycle

the others, I’m not sure, though everyone dies eventually.

All of them, eventually, though the godlike beings might bend the definitions of “die”, since they dont really relate to our mortal plane. Nothing can last forever

May would rot away with time, just like Theos, at 1000-ish years old, would die in a battle since she thinks she is going to Valhalla

Ari would get the same fate as May, but she would try to get a peaceful death, probably out-living every living being that once stepped on the planet till time caught up with her near-immortal magic body

and Atlas-chan is technically not MY OC but i see her just living forever as she is too strong to be killed and immune to time

yes, my oc is bikini argos, he will die eventually

NOOOOOOO NOT BIKINI ARGOS :sob: :sob: :cry: :cry: :crying_cat_face:

Kid named twinkies:

january somehow has a lifespan until… around 1-2k years. so they can live til theyre old or participate on a intense war.
dante… can live til hes 100. hes not like his friend :broken_heart:

Most of my AO OCs have planned deaths, particularly Nikki (gets eaten by White Eyes lol) (I have the whole scene planned out) (it’s gonna be tragic and epic and bloody :D)

my characters can respawn because they have been shattered across time it self being able to appear at any moment. and they are like 7 so death by old age don’t work (wait i think i said this before)

Just like AU’s gods turning into spirits and fading… or reform back. Gotta wait for book that explains this process.

The only character of mine that really can’t ‘die’ is DAVID but that’s because he’s a robot.

A bowling ball shaped and sized one with small blades for arms, dragonfly esc wings that act like energy blades, and the ability to fly off of the wings. Because yes.

any prismalgam can’t die since prisma isn’t a substance capable of expiring or degrading

the more “intelligent” ones usually just kinda… actually I’m not really sure what happens to a prismalgam with a soul after death, I assume they go to the afterlife too, but they also eventually are “reborn”, so maybe it’s more like a temporary thing

Has UNIT talked to god :thinking: