Does your OC follow any character tropes?

The tropes I am talking about is like what you know, animations follow, OC’s follow, ETC like:

  • Traumatic Past
  • Harem
  • Edgy Emo Kid
  • Overpowered Character
  • Orphan
  • Royal Families
  • “Secret Power”
  • Very dark past or something
  • Lonely kid
  • Violent/Incredible/Nice/ETC

(Those were just examples, and more)
You get the point of this post I guess:
what trope does your OC follow?
Or just non
(This is made for the fun of it)

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i have always regarded my current slot leaning towards the tsun archetype. brash exterior but would never put her crew or friends in real danger, and will always take the bigger hit.

they aren’t my oc if they don’t go through some fucked up shit

uhhh, maybe they’re just Perrito or something idk

I don’t actually quite remember ALL the character tropes but my OC’s a lonely navy member (only main character until like way later) on his navy arc he only encountered a few one off characters and that’s just about it and never has any real connections with others.

I guess he also has a heart of gold? It’s contradicting because he’s a coward deep down (abandoned his parents to die)

Does having a character that is super nice and all, but when at limits turn into the quiet kid and destroy everything in its path? Is that a trope?

I think almost all my OC follow some goofy troupes, but I just add my own spice to make them interesting. I guess.

awkwardly stares at Zion and Abdallah

Okay, if I… if I chop you up in a meat grinder, and the only thing that comes out, that’s left of you, is your eyeball, you’r- you’re PROBABLY DEAD! You’re probably going to - not you, I’m just sayin’, like, if you- if somebody were to, like, push you into a meat grinder, and, like, your- one of your finger bones is still intact, they’re not gonna pick it up and go, “Well see, yeah it wasn’t deadly, it wasn’t an instant kill move! You still got, like, this part of your finger left!”

to put it short, supreme slaughter, mega murder, ultrakill, violent violence

That sounds like a trope yep
Sounds like an alternative to “Tsundere” tbh
or mob 100

they do parkour even thought they lost a fucking finger

Ah, I see. Thank.

Wanna hear something dumb?

Although I did heard about those stuff before. I was was mostly inspired by this. :wink:

Yeah I know it garbage, but for some reason I like it.

deranged, stupid, and probably kind of insane child who will go after and kill whoever he sees fit, but deeply cares for his crew and friends is my character’s version of the tsundere trope

not sure if this does make any sense, but yeah this entire “Frostbite” or “Ice Prince” persona I have does sort of relate to that…I’m not sure if you’re being specific about the Royal Families

my main file

My main file follows Traumatic Past, Overpowered, Orphan, “Secret Power”, Dark Past, Lonely, and Violent disposition.
However, these parts of them are either completely not taken seriously and are used for jokes, or are deconstructed to some extent to add flair.

There is no such thing as “tropeless” character. and if they do exist, it would be very very boring.


sailor fist moment

Ace - secret power, kind/nice, overpowered
Eso - the secret power, ‘royal family’ (more like race)
Frost - ‘royal’ family (long line of powerful ice-water mages)
Agate - edgy, traumatic past, violent/cruel, overpowered, secret power
Zen - orphan, becomes overpowered, lonely

So basicly, before Aesir, Megan was named Margaret Keos, and she had abusive ex-legioner father. With her trying to not be like him, she became a courier who parkours along the roofs delivering small stuff and spreading positivity like a god damn smiling sun.

But by the time of AO when she escaped Order and waking up at Palo town, she’s around 38, with her body being held together by sheer magic energy she has from experiments and her bloodline. So you can call her OP cause she fought buffed Calvus in Rubica, and barely made it out alive. Even tho they like, destroyed closest to Castello part of Rubica

He is friendly world destroyer from your neighborghood