Doge Nation Hate

I am a commander of Doge Nation and I realy want to know what is with the hate against Doge Nation. We have tryed to be realy polite lately but hate still goes on. Please explain what we did wrong. We just want to clear our name at the moment

You recruit in global and your name is doge nation.

your clan being spammed in global messages and cringe guild name

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Lot’s of guilds recruit in global tho and we do not do it that often. I understand the name tho

As I said before we do not do global messages that often. Guild name could be changed tho, but I do not decide that.

same reason as the 2 above

I already replied sooo I do not think you need one tho. Thanks for responding Obama. Make America Great Again

saying your ok because you dont global message advertise that much is like a murderer saying “I only killed 5 people its ok”

actual answer to question:

doge nation is just a joke to most people at this point
the leader “doge king” had spammed guild invites, was generally crazy in general chat,
and ended up banned,
he even showed back up on alts

the name of the guild is a little silly and based over a dead meme which probably also made a few people look down on it as immature

don’t worry about “clearing hate”, just be cool people and go on with your business
haters will hate, just don’t worry about them

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Salty, annoying, short tempered children.
only DN member that has a brain is d4nk

The funny moment when the name Doge Nation sounds really immature, but the guild itself is actually quite serious.

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global message spam, your leader using dupes and getting banned, everyone thinks of it as a joke, based on a dead meme, and most of your members act like children.

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They got dupers so yeah

your leader is a little kid and people still remember them from arcane and what they’ve done on the discord

The 50 reasons above

also your ina civl war

You spammed in peoples dm’s to try to recruit people, and when people wouldnt join you were extremely rude.
and doge stopped being funny ages ago and yet you still find it funny to name a clan “doge nation”
EDIT: Calling a clan “Doge Nation” is extremely uncreative aswell

This group just got thanosed by the mods lol.


always happy to be there for my fans <3