Doggo Reveal (Dog Pog)

Most of you wanted it so here it is… :fr:20201120_194756_002|375x500

His first name is Tobi, his middle name is Wan, and his last name I prefer not to share because it’s shared with my family

He is very good doggo and he doesnt bite

He likes to play or sleep, stick his face in anthills, eat lots of grass, run around at mach 937508065026, want to go outside constantly, sing when I play piano and lots of other funny stuff

His breed is Lhasa Apso incase anybody asks


Sorry that the first image is a link it’s not a virus I swear xD

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FINALLY! (yes this is a complete sentence)

The doggo is a good doggo. (That foot looking kinda clean ngl)

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That’s my foot, lol.

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Or do you mean my dog’s foot xD

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that’s cute and pog

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Both feet of course…

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Tobi very good dog B)

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toby fox is tha-

my husker uwu

couldn’t get any good pics of my other dog


nah bro it’s @Tobi

whoa that cactus juice is kicking in ;_;


Very cute Husky! :nod:
: D

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Its true that you have the same name as my dog, lol. Secret identity?

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plot twist: forums tobi is actually your dog who is secretly a really good artist and can speak fluent english

I wish, lol.

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When I was little I used to draw comics about him called Super Tobi, which i’ve still drawn for years. I searched “Super Tobi” and that pfp came up, so maybe that’s how he got it : D

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oh that’s pretty cute lol