Doing 1v1 wagers, if I win I take all of your gems, if you win you can pick any item from my inventory, DM if interested

  1. Doing 1v1 wagers, if I win I take all of your gems, if you win you can pick any item from my inventory, DM if interested. VGOLL#8586

bros getting ready for gem socketing fr

honestly g what I’ve been doing is just scamming randoms w galleons it’s 10x faster than this

already have 15 of each gem ready to go :pray:

are u full power and bursting mage? with shadow or lightning or maybe metal?

Neither of those, not even mage.

are u collecting the infinite stones? lol


what if they have no gems?

No wager, simple.

do u have good items in ur inventory?

You’ll have to join the server with me to check, “good” items are subjective.

user? I have one ruby

go get more gems from rocks, Im sorry but I wont be using my time to fight for 1 gem lol. Minimum 5

here ill fight u with 1 gem, if i win i dont get anything. u have nothing to lose.

join keeperofoath

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