Dont grind gems until the next update

Dont waste your time vetex is doing another wipe

I love farming gems in release, to have them wiped

Then farming gems post diving update, to have them wiped

wipe this wipe that man how about you wipe my fucking balls :confused:


this is just like real life


Don’t any WoM files after update 1 lose all their usable items besides seasonals? Vetex hates anybody that prepares for an update :skull:


I guess I’ll trade them across all my files

Yeah. I’ll need to find like someone to help me spread them to my other files and then like a few more people to carry the spares

Wont that spread it super thin if you have alot?

Here are the options:

A: All my gems and hours upon hours of farming are deleted down to a single one in each type

B: I get friends to help save them, and though spread thin those hours are not entirely wasted yet again by Vetex.

It better cost like 5 gems to level up each level of gem crafting

C: You sell all of your gems until your left with one of each, and then you go and find all the gems you DONT have.

Bruh bruh bruh!


“It’s so sad you duped all those gems”
“Wait what? I grinded 92 hours-”
“Gems wiped”

That’s hard to do

I have every gem. Every single one, five times over MINIMUM. I had this many before the diving update too, but once again I’m getting screwed over for being prepared. Next Vetex is going to delete seaweed from everyones inventory so they can’t be prepared’ to farm potion skill.

Im going to pass them to friends and my other files to bypass Vetex’s incessant desire to inconvenience me.

tip: keep the best gem while selling the rest

you do realize that every gem is going to be set to 1 if you have multiple right

Lol i once saw some people keeping all their money in gems