oh its this one right :ok_hand: ?

i remember seeing people insulting incels with that lol

Yeah something similar to that but slightly different.

i look forward to it lol

cool, iā€™ll just copy you and then weā€™ll be rivals


Itā€™s beautiful :face_holding_back_tears:

Currently struggling to draw hair as we speak.

the self glaze is wild but your promises of strength and power are intresting. The council will spectate this journey.


I drew Mayor Tilly

Itā€™s not perfect but itā€™s something. I also wanted to draw breasts on her but thatā€™s way out of my skill range for now.


i see the progress

Art Practice Day 4

I did shape practice as well as stroking practicing, currently doing the boring stuff and making foundational skill

I was watching a Proko video while doing this as well so I think Iā€™m on the right track.

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The breast way Iā€™ve heard it put is to imagine them as water balloons attached to the pectorals: they have definitive mass, but not definitive shape. Theyā€™re affected by outside forcesā€”most notably gravity and the clothes the individual is wearing.

For example, the purpose of a bra or wrap is to support the bust, as it otherwise may move around too much and cause discomfort. In doing so, the breast mass is moved up on the chest.

Below is a quick visual I made. Keep in mind that everyoneā€™s differentā€”the breasts can be longer, shorter, more or less defined, and of course have a different size depending on the individual. Generally, just keep them symmetrical and make sure you remember gravity and how the clothing affects them.

The top image basically assumes her chest is bare or sheā€™s wearing something loose enough for it to not affect her chest. Such as a large tee-shirt, jacket, etc. Most well-fitted dress shirts or tops will affect the individualā€™s chest, even if they arenā€™t made to do so.

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Not an artist at all, but i like the explanation!

Iā€™ll keep this in mind the next time I draw a girl who may or may not be well endowed, thanks for the info.

Always happy to help someone trying to get into art.

Art Practice Day 5

I wanted to draw a picture of Gon but I have stuff to do later so I just had to stick to stroke practice. I think Iā€™m getting better though as I think these ones are way better than the ones from yesterday (Proko is goated for his tutorials).


Art Practice Day 6

I woke up late because my sister had me up at 1:00am playing The Strongest Battlegrounds with her. I have put my stroke practice to good use, now I just have to draw 3D shapes after this now (The squares were the easiest ones while the circles were the hardest). Everyday I get close Feminist Iris and Iā€™m ecstatic.

The drawing of the shapes themselves is still godawful because of my handwriting so Iā€™ll have to improve that sooner or later.


I donā€™t think spending a long time perfecting basic shapes is really that necessary?
if you mess something up you can easily erase it and try again
itā€™s even easier on some digital art software

if you want to draw organic things (which humans are) itā€™s probably better to get a reference and try to draw that as best as possible. (also make sure to take your time, and donā€™t just rush it)

Most of the art tutorials I watched said that practicing shapes is the best way to do it before going on to complex things like the human body (Since that is made up of multiple shapes) so Iā€™m trying to take this slow and steady by getting skilled in all of the fundamentals (Like building a house, starting with building a strong foundation and working my way up to the more complex skills). So that way I can follow up on my claim of being the best.

Although your advice is useful since drawing other stuff would be a nice change of pace.

Iā€™m about to get carpal tunnel syndrome with this new one Iā€™ve been working on.