actually this is kind of horrifying

After Iā€™m done with cocaine bear Iā€™m going to do line art and other practice stuff that Iā€™d say I do.

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Art Practice Day 27

Cocaine Bear came out looking like Cocaine Alligator so I just double downed on that and here we are.

Reference Image

These past 2 days are the results of weed brownies and smoking.


Art Practice Day 28

I donā€™t know what I was cooking with this.

The Hardest part was drawing out ā€œGeometry Madnessā€ in 3D. I also drew the water on the ground so I could draw the other stuff in the reflection but that sounded too scary so it was scrapped.


I was going to draw a character design from a story Iā€™m writing but thatā€™s a trade secret so yeah.

Gonna draw Edward Elric to test out my new 3D skills, the metal arm is going to be a little tough.

Just finished Edwards head and Iā€™m onto his body (didnā€™t start on his metal arm yet) and he looks extremely malnourished lol.

Art Practice Day 29

I finally finished it (AND IT ACTUALLY LOOKS DECENT)

This took me like 2-3 hours and now my fingers are cooked. Drawing his Metal arm was so hard I had to use a bunch of cylinders. My coloring skill is god awful and would probably ruin the picture so I just didnā€™t bother. Iā€™ll learn coloring one day.

I went from child-like MS Paint Drawings to this now glaze me with cool compliments.



super lit!!

Getting close to a month now, keep it up!

Art Practice Day 30

No idea what I wanted to draw so I just drew random stuff that came out of the Fun Box.

After Day 31 then Iā€™ll go on to the next stage of art practice. This one was slightly less skilled than yesterday but Iā€™m learning Spanish and various coding, electrician, and reading skills so I have to pace myself correctly.

No idea what Iā€™ll draw when Iā€™m a master. Maybe Iā€™ll find some Design Job and be rich (Poor).


Haha. You thinks thereā€™ll be jobs. Haha. Skynet is coming

Hey @SoifonFan74473727720
Can you draw these for me :pleading_face:

Bro thinks jobs will exist after 5 years :sob:

Iā€™ll try, beared Moistcritikal might be hard.

On second thought I take back everything I said before I do not want to work a design job for minimum wage and I no longer wanna be a teacher. And I donā€™t want college debt either.

Art Practice Day 31

Accidentally drew something extremely cursed for the 31st day which signifies the amount of days in a month in which there are 12 of in a year.

I tried to draw bearded Moistcritikal at the request of a forumer but it went very wrong. I tried to draw Charlie but it ended up looking like Asmongold instead and I drew the title where his shirt ends so it unintentionally looks like heā€™s naked.

This means that I have drawn a picture of a nudist Asmongold ranting about Elves for 27 hours. We truly do live in a cursed society that should be absorbed and swallowed into by Tartarus. First time I have drawn something that shouldā€™ve never seen the light of day.


Art Practice Day 32

I tried to practice perspective (Horizon Lines, vanishing points, whatever) and itā€™s days like this where I wish I had a ruler or literally any kind of measuring object. For the horizon line I had to use my arm but for the cubeā€™s inner lines I couldnā€™t use my arm since my desk is small.

LOOK HOW STUPID IT LOOKS. Gonna spend like 5 dollars on a ruler, itā€™ll probably be on sale too since school is starting back up for jits (Imagine not being a college goer like me, somehow not getting a scholarship with all Aā€™s and having debt will be so fun)


you write like a horror game

Art Practice Day 33

The cube I drew with perspective was drawn using a pencil as a makeshift ruler, which meant that I got somewhat nice looking lines but it still isnā€™t parallel enough for my tastes. I also underestimated the prices of rulers because I saw one at like $20.

I got the hang of this insanely quick because Iā€™m so intelligent but my lack of resources is hindering me so Iā€™ll have to do other stuff on the side alongside perspective stuff. I also got pencil markings on my drawing tablet so now I have to clean it.